Settling down

We understand that this stage in life is all about providing for and making memories with your family. We can help you make the most of this time, while also saving for the future.

We’ll help you…

Understand your position

At this stage in life, you might find yourself uncertain of your current financial position. You might have accumulated a few pensions from different employers and be unsure of what you have where.

We’ll help to give you clarity of where you are now financially, so you can start some make some informed decisions about your family's future.

Establish a safety net

If you’ve started a family, it’s natural to worry about what-ifs, particularly when it comes to money. It can be a big relief to have some kind of back-up in place, so that you’re prepared should the unexpected happen.

We can help you establish a financial safety net, so you can have peace of mind for you and your family.

Plan for the future

There might be a number of things on the horizon that you need to consider how you’re going to fund. School fees, your next house move or even your future retirement are all potential drivers for your financial goals.

We can help you start to put a plan in place for achieving your objectives over a certain time period.

Enjoy life now

While life might be increasingly busy, now is also the perfect time for making life-long memories. The last thing you want is to tarnish them with overwhelming financial worries or concerns.

We aim to put you in a position where you can feel comfortable and secure enough to make the most of now.

Our services


We can review your existing pension plans and ensure they’re set up in a way that aligns with your future objectives.


We’ll help you build a robust investment portfolio that delivers the level of returns needed for your circumstances.


We offer a wide range of mortgage products, searching the whole of the market to find you the best possible deal.

Tax planning

We’ll structure your assets in a way that reduces your tax burden and ensures more of your money goes towards your goals.

Who we work with

No matter where you are in your life, we can help you make the right decisions to encourage long-term financial security. Find out more about the kinds of people we work with.

Young, free and independent

As a young professional, you’re just starting to successfully build your career – and your money, too. We think there’s no better time to start thinking about the future.

Planning for retirement

We believe the key to a successful retirement is to act as soon as you can – whatever age that may be. With our support, you can have peace of mind that your future is being cared for.

In retirement

Retirement is something you’ve earned through many years of hard work – and we believe financial worries shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying this time.

Later life care

As we age, we will often need to make some changes to the way we live – and that means being financially prepared for those adjustments. We can help you and your loved ones plan for your later life needs with confidence.

Final salary pensions

Transferring away from your defined benefit/final salary pension is a big, irreversible decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s therefore necessary for you to seek independent financial advice if you’re considering this.

Strategic Solutions and Strategic Solutions Chartered Financial Planners are trading styles of Strategic Solutions Financial Services which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Number 525733.

Principals: Kevin Forbes, Jefferson Fawcett, Giles Wellington, Allan Cruse, Nathan Harris.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate all of these products and services. To ensure we carry out your instructions accurately, to help us to continually improve our service and in the interests of security, we may record and monitor your telephone communications or conversations with us. Copies of our telephone recordings will be available on request, for a period of 5 years after the recording was made.

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This website is designed for the use of UK resident clients.
