In retirement

Retirement is something you’ve earned through many years of hard work – and we believe financial worries shouldn’t get in the way of enjoying this time.

We’ll help you…

Gain confidence

Thinking about money during this time can feel like an overwhelming task, and we often find people are more at risk of letting their emotions drive their financial decisions.

In a safe, comfortable environment, we aim to give you confidence to manage your own finances and empower you to make the right decisions going forward.

Cope with a change

Retirement often brings with it change, and the transition can be difficult to manage financially. You may have additional needs in terms of care, or have suffered the loss of a partner.

We can support you through this time and ensure your financial arrangements allow you to do and focus on the things you need.

Pass on your wealth

As you enter later life, you might start to think about passing on your wealth. While it’s not always an easy conversation to have, it’s important to do so earlier rather than later.

We can help to ensure an efficient transfer of your wealth to your loved ones and other beneficiaries, while also managing any tax implications.

Enjoy your retirement

It can sometimes be easy to forget that retirement is your time to be enjoyed! You might want to spend more time with family, or take more holidays.

Whatever this stage in life looks like for you, we want to help make it a fulfilling time, one that isn’t burdened by financial worries.

Our services

Retirement planning

We’ll determine the income you need for the years ahead, and how best to access it in a tax-efficient manner.


We can review your existing investments and ensure they are providing the income and growth for your needs.

Inheritance Tax planning

We’ll help you effectively manage your Inheritance Tax bill, ensuring more of your estate goes to your beneficiaries.

Later life care

We’ll help you understand your options for funding care and ensure it won’t cause unnecessary financial disruption.

Who we work with

No matter where you are in your life, we can help you make the right decisions to encourage long-term financial security. Find out more about the kinds of people we work with.

Young, free and independent

As a young professional, you’re just starting to successfully build your career – and your money, too. We think there’s no better time to start thinking about the future.

Settling down

We understand that this stage in life is all about providing for and making memories with your family. We can help you make the most of this time, while also saving for the future.

Planning for retirement

We believe the key to a successful retirement is to act as soon as you can – whatever age that may be. With our support, you can have peace of mind that your future is being cared for.

Later life care

As we age, we will often need to make some changes to the way we live – and that means being financially prepared for those adjustments. We can help you and your loved ones plan for your later life needs with confidence.

Final salary pensions

Transferring away from your defined benefit/final salary pension is a big, irreversible decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly. It’s therefore necessary for you to seek independent financial advice if you’re considering this.

Strategic Solutions and Strategic Solutions Chartered Financial Planners are trading styles of Strategic Solutions Financial Services which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Number 525733.

Principals: Kevin Forbes, Jefferson Fawcett, Giles Wellington, Allan Cruse, Nathan Harris.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) does not regulate all of these products and services. To ensure we carry out your instructions accurately, to help us to continually improve our service and in the interests of security, we may record and monitor your telephone communications or conversations with us. Copies of our telephone recordings will be available on request, for a period of 5 years after the recording was made.

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